Speakers are subject to change without notice based on availability. All updated speakers and meeting dates are advertised on our Greater Sudbury Landlords Association Facebook page and our website front page at GSLA.CA
Jan.27……speaker… Angie Gravelle, Paralegal – bring your questions. LTB guidance and answers.
Feb.24…….speaker …. Barry Ornella of Greater Sudbury Police. speaking about the GSLA workshops that include paralegal Angie Gravelle – educating our local officers on different scenarios with tenants and how things should be handled according to the RTA and Landlord Tenant Board rules. This is the workshop idea we have been mentioning at the meetings. And Shelley from Sudbury credit collections.
Mar.24…Celia Chandler, partner, Iler Campbell LLP, law office in Toronto, speaking on Human Rights and being a landlord
Apr 28…… speaker…Insurance Louise Essembrie – what you need to know for your rentals & GSLA Board members Sherry Jordan and Holly Coulas speaking on why you should hire a property manager.
May 26 ……speaker – speaker – Amanda Berloni – Real Estate Lawyer – info on rules and laws pertaining to our industry and Jim Clement, Financial Advisor, Corporate Planning and Estate Planning Specialist on what to do with those capital gains and where to invest.
June 30 .. Scott Davies – Mould Clean – attic ventilation and moisture that causes mould
July 28….speaker…Doug & Barb Green, specialized multifamily-realtors – investing properties open. Sherry Jordan and Holly Coulas GSLA, Tenant Screening.
Aug 25……city of Sudbury – Bylaw & Tony – Greater Sudbury Pest Control
Sept.29……speaker CMHA – Karen Henze, Manager of Housing. and Farida Taggart from Aqua Guard on leaky basements, blue skin and weeping tiles.
Oct.27……speaker…Phil Doiron Fire Dept – fire safety, what is required
Nov.24……speaker… Aboriginal Housing – new program.